Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
its been a while
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
hogwarts and back to school!
Today was the first day of classes. My schedule is pretty awesome this semester, I only have classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Yay for four day weekends! I really was not ready to start again, but I have to so, I tried to make the best out of it. Seeing everyone was really nice, well almost everyone...Mr. Cheech just leaves without saying hi! My first class was super bad! No names and details but the professor just has a really bad attitude. Second class was awesome and she let us out in a hour (all classes are three hours). Overall my first day was way better than I thought it would be. Just want to do really well in all my classes, have to FOCUS!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Haiti Team...
This trip had been planned since the beginning of summer I think. This time they were going to install windows in the church they built, so that's where most of the money was going. Until the earthquake happened. Yesterday morning at church a member of the team, gave a testimony on how God is working with the team and in Cap Haitien with the church they work with.
He was telling us how their mission has changed from installing the windows to obviously helping the earthquake victims, and how God is providing ways to make this trip very helpful to the Haitians. At first the team wanted to go into Port Au Prince he said, but after they spoke with Pastor Codo, they decided to go to Cap Haitien, because everyone from Port Au Prince is going to Cap Haitien according to Pastor Codo. Ok, back to how God is working. The mayor of our town, offered to give the whole team first aid training for free! Also if they choose American Red Cross first aid training, American Red Cross said that they would pay for the flight tickets! How awesome is God! That money can go towards buying more medicine etc. Ohh there's more...obviously if they are leaving in two weeks, they have already bought the tickets. Apparently there is a new rule now, that you can only check in one luggage. Well...Continental Airlines called and said they would allow our team to bring two extra luggage's per person. So that's three pieces of luggage! They will definitely stuff those luggage's.
While I was listening to him speak I just had goose bumps, and felt a connection sort of. I don't know how or why but I truly felt for those people. Like, God is providing and opening sooo many doors for our team so that they may go to Haiti and show the people of Haiti, how great, awesome, and loving our God is! So just pray for our team as they leave in two weeks and the Haitian people as they recover.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
HIS great timing!
On a side note...
So recently I was talking to one of my friends and we were talking about trials and hard times in our lives. He made a good point saying that, God brings hard and difficult in our lives when we are farthest away from Him, and He brings hard times in our lives because He wants our attention. It all started to make sense in my head! Think about it!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
worlds apart.
So yesterday I went to a New Jersey hockey game. Now I’ve been to about thirty games before so this was not a new experience for me. (My dad’s job is amazing at providing free tickets to about any event imaginable, my family just likes hockey). But this time I was paying particular attention to the crowds around me. I was sitting in a section reserved especially for specific people and had access to all the food and drink we wanted. And it struck me then the difference between the people I was sitting with then and the people I will be sitting with in just a few days in the Philippines. And it made me wonder what world I fit into. Do I fit into the world where people pay two hundred and fifty dollars for two hours of entertainment, or the world where people work every day just to pay for the next day’s meal? I wonder if I can fit into both, or if I want to fit into either at all?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The other thing that has been bugging me for a few years is that, why does there always have to be a Christmas tree? Why don't people use nativity scenes? Yes, I understand that Christmas has really lost its meaning but we as Christians need to remind the world, what the true meaning of Christmas is.